9ce148 (*over the course of maybe 2 or 3 years, as the mouse got older, it started to wear out. these buttons stuck and i had to press really hard on them to actually click them. and yesterday when i force-pressed one of the buttons, the scroll wheel just fully gave up. plus left click started immediately doing drag controls instead of clicking. plus pressing the back button or refresh button simply opened a new tab)
9ce148 (*for context, the mouse that broke had these arrow buttons on the very top. these buttons let me control how fast the cursor moved without having to go into the PC control panel)
cca0cf reappears. also Scott how did you break your mouse
9ce148 (*guh)
519da5 I'll bite your's off
c314e2 nice - Deadtale
de9cb8 penit
0df4f5 Oh yeah. I passed the test...
c314e2 alright - Deadtale
98dd26 [Ekusukariba] [back, im packing up stuff and im moving to my cousin's]
c314e2 IDK either of those but they sound awful. . . ok cya then - Deadtale
d7af26 playin half-life 1 on my ps2 rn
5005a6 i literally created the horny chanel,homeslice, anyway gtg now
c314e2 Asshole. probably (IDR shit about cad I'm not gunna lie), Horny? IDK. . . if I saw it around me then I forgot - Deadtale
5005a6 gyatta go rake up leafy leaves
c314e2 WELL, of uss still around that is - Deadtale
5005a6 erm i was aslutty horny asshole everyday fym at times
c314e2 TBH I might be the only one left that hasn't changed their name from way back then - Deadtale
c314e2 Really? oh then i'm just clueless, and yes now that you mention it, I remmber "Cadimus" being somewhat of a dick, but I did find them funny at times too like - Deadtale
5005a6 hello bus boy, goodbye bus boy, i'll send a wb link when you get home
5005a6 lowkey i thought yu woulda abhored my existance cause of how mean i was to you. but yeah i did leave when you were gone i think, then came back as Paradoxia, told people i was Cadmus, they were like HOLY SHIT!!1! and i thought you knew cause i did make it obvious several times
176f71 Hi para but also bye para because Im on a bu s
5bbfd7 Hi para but also bye para because Im on a bu s
c314e2 cause I though you and cad were sseperate people, I genuinely thought cad left at some point during my absences, it doesn't help that a buncha people just have changed their names and IDK shit about it - Deadtale
c314e2 man I can't keep up with these name changes - Deadtale
5005a6 yeah, how did you not know lmao
c314e2 wait your cadimus - Deadtale
5005a6 i meant i read back and saw stuff and it made me wanna ask. nice to know you think im funny
c314e2 what? - Deadtale
2368c6 Hmm...
c314e2 ph shit sorry, was tabbed out a sec, uhm my opinion on cad? I think he's funny NGL and errr, IM there's a few other things that I do wanna say (both pos and neg), but I don't think it's full opinion anyways as I don't see alot of him. uhm, WDYM head back BTW, like to what exactly - Deadtale
5005a6 sprite switchfhghtyd
5005a6 time to munchy munchy on some yummy nummy ice and go rake leafy leaves
5005a6 PAM is dead asf
5005a6 read back, Deadtale, what's your opinion on Cadmus, he wants to know
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!