540341 ok, im chillin' with this id, it's a nice id
3e21f9 hoi
540341 ello
57dac4 I forgot I made these.
57dac4 Actually nevermind :3
57dac4 Gunna make a Chapter 4 just so theres a middle point lmao.
cca0cf quh
35dc76 huh
57dac4 Wuh
35dc76 buh
57dac4 Guh
35dc76 ruh
57dac4 And then Sans knocked her ass out, dragged her to his secret basement, pulled out a prototype of a portable DT Extractor and agonizingly extracted it out of Undyne till her screams stopped as a result of death.
35dc76 damn rip bro
57dac4 Too bad he got killed by Undynes fit of rage.
35dc76 lmao
57dac4 Terrors Papyrus was so smart that he asked for Sans to actually be lazy, so he'd be lazy about being lazy and actually do his work lol
57dac4 Just be lazy and do this shape when doing diagonal stuff.
57dac4 Gunna give this a M-1965 field type jacket
35dc76 still cant draw hands :RAUAUGHGHG:
35dc76 neat
57dac4 Fun fact: I mostly only ever reuse the head and then draw the body. I only reuse bodies when I want to give them the exact same posture or I'm drawing similar clothing to what they have on.
57dac4 Btw TerrorTale has been renamed to For Thine Freedom and Sans in this AU is named Caritas (I fucking love Latin and idk why)
57dac4 I'm thinking that Chapter 3 should be where he completes his mission and breaks free from the underground and like- gets new clothing and shit but- I can't think of any original clothing.
57dac4 Yikes, hope you get well soon.
35dc76 still sick, tho its getting better, the headache is finally gone, plus my body aint aching anymore
57dac4 Dunno why, but I was originally gunna give Chapter 2 a welder outfit, also hi John how're you?
35dc76 me in the bath staring at where my towel should be (its not there (im cooked))
57dac4 Remade TerrorTale for like- the 22nd time or something, got Chapter 0-2 fully complete. No longer a Horror based AU rather a Horror Adjacent AU like AxeTale
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