e8cb42 Terror also has a second life and this is his second life soul
e8cb42 funni Terror Gaster Blaster (yes Terror has integrity and hate but he just never uses it, only for emergencies)
fdea83 he he - funny bone
d959ff caftar the new one... again..
fdea83 he he - funny bone
e8cb42 funni gaster blaster
e8cb42 you cant delete something that once before got deleted - TripleTerror Sans
fdea83 who said he needed to be dust to die - funny bone
d959ff (chapter 2) caftar phase 6
b7db12 sus- H.A.T.E amongus man
d959ff ben
b7db12 ben- 1000000000 amongus man
d959ff (chapter 2) caftar phase 5
e8cb42 AMATUERS - TripleTerror Sans
d959ff (chapter 2) caftar phase 4 (yes i will use this sprite for this still)
e8cb42 YOU DARE I SAY IM A MORTAL - TerrorTerror Sans
e8cb42 *starts filling up with RAGE* - Terror? Sans
fdea83 unless HE gets bored and brings him back - funny bone
fdea83 so if terror dies... HES GONE FOR EVER- funny bone
e8cb42 interesting
fdea83 for stoy of all of my aus most of the one that die their souls are harvested and drained of all life and won't come back so they are dead dead - funny bone
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