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7c78a2 2 shelves left still
0b95c6 brb btw)))))))))))))))))
7c78a2 there isn't enough room for another sans plush, sorry
0b95c6 what should i call this sans cause he has many different personality's in him
9bf609 How bout you put funni Madness on the last shelf
d6b045 *AT Sans in the background: WOOOOOO*
7c78a2 ok, but the only thing on the shelves that's for sale is 69up
9bf609 Wellllllll, uhhh i guess it has to be funni Terror then
d959ff i cant find the jero sprite
0b95c6 its kewl, its perfect, btw you could name your things, and i wanna buy smthing
9bf609 Hey caftar hows the dare going?
7c78a2 hows this? sorry if it's bad
9bf609 I got a idea, what about Madness's smile?
0b95c6 nvm, but add cross sans weapon but glitched..
7c78a2 oh wait i think i have an idea
7c78a2 could you be more specific? sorry
0b95c6 also add a cursed glitched item,
0b95c6 yeah i would like to get that red sharp thingy,
7c78a2 hi xyz, would you like to make or suggest something for the shelves? i have 2 spots left
0b95c6 hey its me, XYZ?
7c78a2 2 shelves left
d959ff I searched jeroxal on google and i found this
7c78a2 hows this? lil Star sans
9bf609 Ok biblical character
d6b045 (I'm here Swedish currency)
9bf609 where did everyone go?
9bf609 ......
7c78a2 ok
d959ff what about a mini star sans?
7c78a2 3 shelves left
d959ff looks great!
7c78a2 hows this? sorry if it's bad
9bf609 Disappearance......
9bf609 Nice DST, also brb
1c1603 .
d959ff and have a little bit of white and black around him?
7c78a2 ill try, but ok
d959ff spike can you put a mini version of this guy on a shelf
d6b045 (Add this onto his shirt)
7c78a2 4 shelves left
9bf609 Make him have these kind of teeth