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d959ff *he walks away*
7c78a2 *breaks free from Caftar's grip*
d959ff *he grabs the plush and burns it to nothing as he feels pain* ..
7c78a2 *his ribs crack and he shakes in pain*
d959ff *punches him before he can*
7c78a2 GHH * he shakily grabs your arm
d6b045 Me: GET THE HELL AWAY!!! *Is running from MultiFell*
e8cb42 *points to brokenverse madness* thats what i need help with
d959ff *speeds to star and grabs him by the neck and lifts him then starts to crush it slowly*
7c78a2 what do you need help with?
7c78a2 *picks the doll up and tears its arm a bit. Caftar feels a pain in his arm* ok sure
e8cb42 *runs up to star and caftar* hey uh guys can ya help me please?!
d959ff no.. *he walks away and slowly puts the plush down*
7c78a2 *Caftar feels like he is being grabbed*
d959ff *gets up and grabs the plush*
e8cb42 *throws away Broken Madness* L E A VE M E A L O N E
7c78a2 hey how about you stay for a lil longer?
d959ff agh! what the hell!
7c78a2 *he throws the plushie at a tree and Caftar slams into the same tree*
e8cb42 *you see a skeleton running for dear life* *hyperventilating* ahhh theres gotta be help somewhere, leave me alone you mad freak!
d959ff welp.. imma go look for a friend now.. *starts walking away*
7c78a2 just kidding, heheh
d959ff ..
7c78a2 i know you more than you think
d959ff well thats.. strange how you have that there..
d959ff chara x caftar might be real I don't entirely know..
7c78a2 oh don't worry about it *gives a smile*
7c78a2 sure
d959ff uhh why does that look like me..?
d959ff (wanna know something? btw I don't know if this is true)
7c78a2 *caftar notices a plushie looks exactly like him*
d959ff *his normal hoodie is now on him* looks great!
7c78a2 *tps Caftar to his shop* well, you like it?
d959ff sure why not..
7c78a2 (*wheeze*) you want to see my shop?
d959ff alright..
d959ff for some reason i keep reading what star is saying as if he was swap sans
7c78a2 i don't know anybody who can do it, so no
d959ff you are not going to find someone that can destroy aus and destroy mine right..
7c78a2 oh no reason whatsoever
d959ff XalkoTale.. why?