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undertale gallery
Newest pixel art on the undertale channel:
d959ff *she looked really worried*
793648 CHICA? ANYONE?- AAAAAAA! Goat mom?
d959ff *a toriel starts walking to him* hello human.. are you hurt..?
793648 *calling out for people in the ruins*
d959ff *just drinking coffee in the judgement hall* ...
793648 OW.. my back... *Gets up and goes to the room but flowey isn't there*
793648 *gets sucked into the game* AAAAAA- *Title: A Game with Markiplier*
d959ff it sucks up here.. im going back down.. *goes back into the underground*
793648 Hey guys today were playing undertale.
d959ff (alright) *walking on the surface *
793648 Ima be markimoo.
d959ff sure!
793648 wanna rp?
793648 And you now own my chara sprites.
793648 I included two souls aswell...
d959ff its great!
793648 Click edit..
d959ff ...
d959ff guess not.. ill just wait for people
d959ff you there pal?
d959ff ...
d959ff i know you are leaving..
793648 If you didn't know im leaving for the summer, look back a few posts.
d959ff im back.. whats the gift?
793648 Caftar, i was waiting to give you a special gift.
833b34 [LBSans] im on
d959ff im just not going to say anything until everyone else is online
1c1603 ...
d959ff hello.. I once again feel like shit
1c1603 ...
1c1603 ...
2fbf6b DST, hit edit to flashback
2fbf6b Sorry if it's not much.. everyone.
2fbf6b It won't be official to july third.. but i have some things to say.. To spike i leave all my sans' and papyrus, and whatever spike chooses to take and leave from the sets.. To jeroxal i give sole ownership of the new FNF im making.. and all the credit if you choose to release it.. To jacob i give the ownership of EOD. To kat i give my dearest apologies for everything. And to toptext, i give you co ownership of The FNF im making. To DST, i will post something to remind you of that time you said "..." and i said hi. The people i have listed have always been there for me, with some exceptions ;), even out of roleplay.
2fbf6b You guys are what keep me sane, so it might be longer than just summer.
2fbf6b This will also mean i will miss special moments that i haven't wanted to miss before.
2fbf6b Over the next few days, there will be a count down to july or earlier... Since i always use my school computer, i will not be here for the entire summer period.
2fbf6b Whoever is here during these moments on PAM, please listen...
d082ec insanity-belief phase 5 he lost control over his body
38da2b ok bye Caftar
d082ec insanity-belief phase 4 he want you to kill him??
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!