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e8cb42 if i recall, AxeTale is the future of HorrorTale isnt it?
c2fe0c Axetale Sans
e8cb42 funn Terro Sand
c2fe0c Looks like horrorfell on meth mixed with some other broken sanses
894b9f guess what am I making (Very easy mode)
d959ff horrorverse version of him
d959ff its just a version of him
c2fe0c What the hell happened to his head & jaw?
c2fe0c What the fuck-
e8cb42 ello caftar
d959ff ...
c2fe0c Kinda Bad, Kinda Good
894b9f Good good good
e8cb42 how is everyone today?
c2fe0c Sup
894b9f Hello
e8cb42 hello comrades
54952b I mean creator sans
54952b remember me, I was the one who made creative sans
54952b guess who's back, back again
e8cb42 Welp I guess I'm gunna get of as well, take care everyone
d6b045 (I'm getting the frick off now)
e8cb42 Oh ok, take care spike
e8cb42 Spike you should make SwapSwapVerse
d6b045 (I might not have time to rp... but I'd wish I didn't go to school tomorrow...)
e8cb42 Jacob your sus
7c78a2 me: *comes back and reads through the channel* also me:
d6b045 (Bruh Spike is still not here...)
e8cb42 Where did everyone go?
e8cb42 .....
e8cb42 Take care caftar!
d959ff ill be on later cya...
d6b045 (I think Spike went to drink water Also I made ClassicTale Sans)
d6b045 Classic!Tale Sans
e8cb42 Uhhh spike you good?
e8cb42 Ok helix, have your fun off this site I guess
d959ff well cya after summer helix..
e8cb42 BALLS