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undertale gallery
Newest pixel art on the undertale channel:
d6b045 Atrocity: *He follows someone*
d082ec 8 bit final shot duo phase 1.5
7c78a2 i said your cute
d959ff *walking around*
d6b045 Atrocity: *He tps to his au*
d082ec ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Caftar: what the fu-
d6b045 Atrocity: Heh You look funny Terror
e8cb42 wait W H A T did you just say?!
7c78a2 to be honest, you look kinda cute like that (before)
e8cb42 (spike you good?)
d082ec 8 bit final shot duo phase 1
e8cb42 i would say the same to myself, like why the fuck did my head turn into a blaster?! (wait is this before multi thought of making Terror be his pet, since he is a blaster?)
d6b045 Atrocity: I'm gonna take this *He carries SwapSwapVerse Terror*
7c78a2 your so weird Terror
e8cb42 (oh wait fuck he was the one running?!) *stops there* idk, because i feel like it *walks back* sorry about that
d6b045 Atrocity: Um I'm not Terror..... I'm Atrocity
7c78a2 Terror, why are you running?
d082ec the bitty 7
7c78a2 *just staring at him confused*
d6b045 Atrocity: Damn it the Multi in this Multiverse saw me...
e8cb42 oh wait he cant see me? ..... phew wee
7c78a2 why is he running????
e8cb42 (spike you good?)
d6b045 Atrocity: *He snipes MultiSwapSwap with his Blaster which was Big for an average blaster*
e8cb42 (i guess i was the only one expecting him to be the nicey nicey guy again, since its swapped twice) *realizes* shit, god damn it why did my LV have to do this to me
7c78a2 .....the fuck is that idiot doing????
d6b045 Atrocity: *Runs off before MultiSwapSwap sees him*
d6b045 Atrocity: *He hides SwapSwapVerse Terror with a Bone Wall* Heh
e8cb42 oh god hes right there *he tries to hide, but has yet to realize his head is too big to hide with*
7c78a2 *petting his blaster*
d6b045 Atrocity: *Is holding Multi's Head* I have my prize.... HAHAHAHAHAHA
e8cb42 (....)
e8cb42 *walking around, unamused and bored* ugh, gotta "love" being someones pet
d6b045 Atrocity: *Is Killing more aus* HEHEHE
7c78a2 yea we can rp
e8cb42 i think were ready to rp now spike, unless if your adding something
e8cb42 damn theres a Lethal Deal type of megalo for Horror:
e8cb42 nice jacob
d6b045 (Hey Jeroxal I made Atrocity Sans)
e8cb42 all we needed to add is purple, since purple indicates Terror, you dont have to make a Purple Blasrer, since- yeah you get the point
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