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d6b045 Atrocity: [Hp:Error/256000]
d959ff ( epic MA'AM instead of sir)
d959ff yes ma'am *kicks him in the head multiple time then throws him and blasts him while sending red bones at him*
d6b045 Atrocity: ... MixedVerse: Caftar fuck em up!
d082ec 8 bit final shot duo phase 5
d6b045 Atrocity: Uh oh... MixedVerse: Fool I know that you respawned...
d6b045 Atrocity: *Respawns*
d959ff alright? *stabs him*
d6b045 Atrocity: Ya know... I sent Shaggy and Matt after ya
d082ec 8 bit final shot duo phase 4 help 2 (fix)
d959ff *Infront of him* hello.. *stabs him with a bone that puts him on one hp* any last words?
d082ec 8 bit final shot duo phase 4 help 2
d6b045 Atrocity: *Tps to Minecraft* Jesus
d959ff *behind him* boo.. *kicks him so hard he goes they both warp into Cuphead*
d6b045 Atrocity: Huh? *Demented Sans gets in the way and dies*
7c78a2 whoops ignore the last post
d082ec 8 bit final shot duo phase 4 help 1
d959ff *slowly glitching into the omega void* Y O U C A N T R U N
d6b045 Atrocity: *He rests at 105 hp*
7c78a2 swapswapverse
d6b045 Atrocity: *His arm cracks* Ouch... *Tps to the Omega Void*
d959ff *punches him multiple times*
d6b045 Atrocity: HOLY SHI- [Hp:666/256000]
d959ff *teleports to him and kicks him through multiple walls*
d6b045 Atrocity: [Hp:256000/256000] I got lots of LV WOOOO *He tps to his au*
e8cb42 w-why did th-that fee-feel so ni-nice?! (ok)
7c78a2 i have to go, i might be back after 3
7c78a2 *pets him* you so adorable
d082ec f you *tps away and kills ownself
d959ff Alex go chat with those guys over there im not letting him get away *9999%* ... *teleports*
d6b045 Atrocity: [Hp:6900/256000] The Dust Freak used a nuke on me....
e8cb42 (nvm) uhh... h-hi
e8cb42 you good spike?
7c78a2 *snaps and Terror appears next to him*
d6b045 Atrocity: *He Tps the Bombs into Obsession Core's face* HA!
d959ff boom.. *the bombs explode*
d959ff *you see there are bombs on your back*
d082ec 8 bit final shot duo phase 4
d6b045 Atrocity: Heh... I'll spare your Robot Bro.... But ya can't kill me *He tps and Fights Obsession Core*
e8cb42 something tells me that your trying to make me be your pet... pff how fun with that, im outta here *he flies away at a steady pace*
d959ff *alex becomes a robot and slowly goes to him and hits him with a light punch* ... sorry..