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undertale gallery
Newest pixel art on the undertale channel:
d959ff vehicular manslaughter
e8cb42 okay dokey
d6b045 (I have finished My take on Murder Time Trio and yes Dust dies to save Horror)
d6b045 JT! Murder Time Trio
d6b045 JT! Murder Time Trio
d6b045 JT! Murder Time Trio
e8cb42 ok
d6b045 (I'm busy Jeroxal)
e8cb42 jacob, guess the AU
d6b045 JT! Murder Time Trio
d6b045 JT! Murder Time Trio
e8cb42 ok you take care aswell!
66e7c9 like i said, it could be from a time break. They have been happening ever since the timeline mess started, these breaks have been happening (gtg sorry, take care)
e8cb42 yeah just one, why do i feel like helping delete?
66e7c9 dunno, maybe another time break or something.......something tells me you have questions
e8cb42 *just suddenly becomes a ghost* Fuck, how did this happen?!
66e7c9 ... fine, guess i'll trust you for now *rips the knife out and tosses a stim to Terror*
e8cb42 trust me, you would be very surprised, ive seen alot of me's, infact alot of me's that could contrl tiem, such as TimeTerror, TerrorTime and AlterVerse Terror
66e7c9 right like there would be a Terror that could control time, very believable
e8cb42 *shakes a bit* bruh i didnt, that other me did
66e7c9 ya know, Time Sans means alot to me. So why the hell did you tick him off?
66e7c9 *tps and stabs Terror through his soul*
e8cb42 huh sounds suspicous but alright *stands very still, almost like a staue*
66e7c9 its easy just stand there for a minute
e8cb42 (wait is this gunna be a part where he asks him to help delete/ make Last Torture happen?) what would that be?
66e7c9 if you want any answers out of me, you'll have to do something for me
d6b045 Atrocity: *He uses Integrity to stay alive*
e8cb42 where is the nearest Madness type? i feel like beating up a Madness
66e7c9 yeah, i am. what do you need with me?
d6b045 Atrocity: *He dashes and gets in the way of DustDust and dies*
e8cb42 i think he was ticked about a version of me being a Time copycat, wait you must be shark
66e7c9 already taken care of buddy, you should have seen Time. wonder what he was so ticked about this time
d082ec unknown time trio phase 1
e8cb42 well, i beeter obliterate SpinVerse, before he kills Exterminate 666 forever *tps to the spinverse* where are the 2?
d6b045 Atrocity: Past me He's Stressed Enough! *Breaks his Axe in Anger*
66e7c9 *Time sans disappears*
66e7c9 If Terror has any questions about time, he can ask Shark. Shark knows pretty much everything about time sans
e8cb42 ok just gimme some TIME to do that *walks away slowly on purpose*
66e7c9 *he looks at it then drops Terror* just stay out of my sight
e8cb42 uhh whats that red thing doing?
66e7c9 *his grip on Terror's shirt tightens. the device is now just glowing red*
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