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undertale gallery
Newest pixel art on the undertale channel:
d6b045 Multi: *Holds not wholesome gun* Bye Bye Caftar
d959ff dont look in main oh god AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
e8cb42 Guys we shouldn't care about the heavy being dead, we should care about the fact the Jeroxal is dead
d959ff *walks to no name and stabs him in the eye*
d6b045 Multi: Noooo my pal died
d6b045 Multi: She is not answering...
d959ff *drops nuke and it explodes*
6df2f7 *opens Spike's door* did someone say hugs?
e8cb42 Spike we know your secretly a furry
e8cb42 *throws shrek at caftar*
d6b045 Multi: *Knocks on spike's door* It is hugging time!!!
d959ff *lifts a nuke* die
d6b045 Multi: Jevil don't forget to slap dust whilst your there
e8cb42 Multiverse Is coming to your house to give you a hug, spike
d959ff ...
6df2f7 *runs up the stairs* BETHANY, I HAVEN'T MADE THE BISCUTS YET
d6b045 Dust: *Pushes Matrix down the stairs* HAHAHA Idiot
d959ff what the heck
e8cb42 *Spike hears a axe breaking through her front door* Spike where are you fresh meat, its me terror
d6b045 Dust: *Matrix down the stairs* HAHAHA
6df2f7 I AM THE GOD OF DESTRUCTION *lights the TNT minecraft world on fire*
d6b045 Horror: Let's go huntin'! *He slices caftar in half*
e8cb42 Everyone, attack caftar, he's a rabbit, and it's hunting season
d959ff this god is at your door Jeroxal
e8cb42 No no no, you got it wrong spike, its this, Jeroxal when he hears someone say UwU: so my friend told me to kill people with kindness, so i named by door SIZED battle axe kindness, let the games begin
6df2f7 THE ULTIMATE PROTECTION *Terror is now sus and furry proof*
d6b045 (Jeroxal Suffer!!! *turns Terror into a rabbit*)
6df2f7 Jeroxal whenever anyone says "UwU": my disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined
e8cb42 Would y'all like to know how MadnessTerror has an injury inbetween his eyes?
e8cb42 TerrorVerse doesn't have a lust emotion, he now has a brave emotion
d959ff yeah spik said "UwU" UwU
6df2f7 Reaper at the Christmas party: face it Geno, your a masochist. Geno: OH GAWD NOOOOOOOOOOO Reaper: There we go
e8cb42 Did you just say UwU?!
6df2f7 UwU noice
e8cb42 TerrorVerse is a masochist, he in fact enjoyed the experiments
d959ff hey spike what do you think of XalkoVerse caftar?
d6b045 (Thanks mate)
6df2f7 i saw. I go back through the channel at stuff you post and i think it's noice
d959ff very good
d6b045 (Hey spike i made Multiverse with more emotions) [look in the desc]
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