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undertale gallery
Newest pixel art on the undertale channel:
d6b045 (Guess I tried...)
e8cb42 DST, we shall banish you to the shadow realm, for being to good of a artist
897cf5 seems about right ... and uh
d6b045 Mixed!Terror Sans
e8cb42 nice, also is this the correct colour for the jacket?
e8cb42 did i do good with the hand in pants pocket?
d6b045 (Guess that Mixed!Terror won't exist since I'm bad at names...)
897cf5 heh
e8cb42 Sanity's a bitch is for Insanity + KAB, Terror + KAB is named Karma Is Terrified Of Me
d6b045 (Jeroxal create TerrorTale: Sanity's a B!7cH after Dreadful Society
897cf5 hm
e8cb42 ima make Decadent Society, and then Dreadful, just to make it easier
897cf5 Do DS next if you want to do more now
e8cb42 rorreT
897cf5 Damn I switched O and E
897cf5 rerroT
e8cb42 which one of these should i make first: 1. rorreT 2. Karma Is Terrified 3. Final Trepidation 4. Horrifying Mode 5. Dreadful Society?
897cf5 Well ... I don't think I want
e8cb42 unless someone else wants it?
897cf5 hm
e8cb42 welp i guess im taking back TerrorTale + Last Breath then
897cf5 I guess
e8cb42 i have a question! if i gave someone an AU of mine that i CREATED, but they havent done anything with it for a long time, would i be able to take back ownership?
897cf5 Boredom hit hard
e8cb42 am fookin booored innit
e8cb42 hmmm
897cf5 ...
e8cb42 fuck i didnt work
e8cb42 maybe if i do this
e8cb42 bruhh i tried to resize it a bunch but got this
e8cb42 e
e8cb42 sorry but aint making that
d6b045 (In order for Mixed!Terror to Exist Jeroxal has to create him first)
e8cb42 does anyone have any idea's for a 6!Terror?
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!