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e8cb42 .....
d6b045 Deadly Suffering Triad
d6b045 (Jeroxal your Terror Megalo is very good)
e8cb42 i like how were not talking about the music i made
d6b045 Deadly Suffering Triad
c2fe0c Shit wrong channel
c2fe0c Methatale (Updated)
c2fe0c Welp i've gtg, cya
d6b045 (That is swaggers ash)
d082ec insanity sociopath vs final shot duo phase 7
c2fe0c And uh this aswell
d6b045 (Holy cats... that is epic)
e8cb42 it looks good ash
c2fe0c Heya, new sprites i made, whaddya think?
e8cb42 made a megalo for Terror
d082ec insanity sociopath vs final shot duo phase 6
d082ec insanity sociopath vs final shot duo phase 5
d6b045 JT! Killer Sans
d6b045 JT! Dust Sans
d6b045 JT! Horror Sans
d082ec insanity sociopath vs final shot duo phase 4
e8cb42 nice
d6b045 (I made FellTerror)
d6b045 FellTerror Sans
d6b045 Void Sans
d6b045 (I'm change the desc of Voidtale)
e8cb42 sure you can have it
d6b045 (If you don't want this au can i own it?)
e8cb42 maybe (=<
d6b045 (Is that TerrorFell?)
e8cb42 you dare say i left
d6b045 (and everyone left...)
d6b045 (I got bored of Guilded)
c2fe0c ..well sh- guess imma be alone for 20 goddamn years
897cf5 I leave
c2fe0c So, now what?
c2fe0c ..Ok
897cf5 IDK...
c2fe0c Tf happened with Jacob?
897cf5 ...
c2fe0c Heya, buckos