d6b045 (Wait a min... I think code sans would be a Different Delete...)
e8cb42 AGHHH i dont know what the bleeding hell to create!
e8cb42 nevermind i just realized how stupid that is
e8cb42 i think i might make ShiftSwapVerse, but ya probably thinking "wouldnt that just be SpinVerse?" role wise = yes, personality wise = no, in SpinVerse Terror has the personality of Delete but in ShiftSwap Verse it would be either 50% multi and 50% delete personality or he would have ShiftVerses personality
d6b045 (I'ma create Code Sans aka SwapSwap Delete)
e8cb42 oh ok
d6b045 (I'm eating my 3rd meal)
7c78a2 im just busy
e8cb42 *sigh* guess im alone now )=
e8cb42 . . .
e8cb42 i want to rp but i cant think of anything
e8cb42 Y O U W H A T ? !
7c78a2 how dare you. im not showing you now
e8cb42 hows the progress on funni Espresso- i mean express?
e8cb42 *also triggered about that* REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
d6b045 (MULTI'S MOM IS FAT!!! *The Sentence echos across the OmniOmniOmniverse*)
e8cb42 B A L L S *the word echoes around the omniverse*
d6b045 (Oh yeah... My version of Terror would of Been InsanityHorrorKiller)
e8cb42 you definitely know why this was never the official version of Terror
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