7c78a2 *disappears. Maniacle hears blasters and they fire at him, then Express? turns Maniacle's soul blue and throws into sharp bones*
d6b045 Multiverse! John: *He slashes Express? Whilst Jacob stays at home*
e8cb42 hmm, you give me a vibe of someone i know *grabs his locket then puts it down* C H A R A *he jumps into the air and sticks the trident into his eye sockets*
7c78a2 he is possessed by Chara
7c78a2 *pushes Maniacle away. He can hear bone crack, yet Express? doesn't seem to care*
e8cb42 (caftar stop being a sussy baka)
e8cb42 hmm whats this feeling? eh whatever *he stabs express from top of the skull all away to the pelvis then tears off the inbetween of his eyes*
d959ff The place where you plug my computer charger in broke
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