e8cb42 uhhh what now? im just making funny dustnuts
1571fc a Anyway
1571fc oh ...
e8cb42 well i mean, in TerrorDust, Dust won in some sort of a way. he came prepared, by that i mean he turned into COO (Core Of Obsession) but Terror used CT (Conscience Theft) not knowing how strong Dust's conscience is and- yeah i think you know what happens
1571fc because in no way dust could beat Terror ... right?
1571fc basically Terrortale but dust won ... hence "The impossible outcome"
1571fc eh ... you are right ... still though
e8cb42 Impossible Outcome, explain.. now
e8cb42 idk, you think i have a clue?
1571fc Yes Jeroxal wtf is that
1571fc for some reason I draw the Terrortale: The impossible outcome
e8cb42 im guessing your saying wtf to that empty post?
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