b63bdb *the sedative starts taking affect and soon Multi passes out*
b63bdb *screams but it's muffled* [no, not again!!]
d581ab *he would stab it into Multi's neck and inject it*
b63bdb *notices that Shift Terror is holding a sedative in his other hand and tries to get free again*
d581ab Oh what's the matter PUPPET? I thought you got "used to me"
b63bdb *shakily grabs Shift Terror's arm, but is too weak to get free*
d581ab Yeah)
b63bdb remind me, Terror is taller than Multi, right?
d581ab Heya, Multi
d581ab Yippee
b63bdb *feels someone cover his mouth* !!!
d082ec how to easily kill sans in 3 steps: step 1: get a nuke, step 2: use hacks to survive the nuke, step 3: make the nuke go off and boom you just easily killed sans
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