7b7bce -hes still looking around T's grave- this is awesome...
05b0c1 (To be fair....this could help start your arch. Also, Hmmmm....I'm not sure if Blast resistance would work. He moves like a lightyear a minute, and he is three days away.)
95be89 I might as well, just stop trying to roleplay, and just fully talk out of character, instead, since I can`t even GET, to roleplay without, instantly being ignored, or having what I~m trying to do, be fucking ignored, as well, or ruined...
abd2e8 Lilly
05b0c1 (Eh. You always just berated me during them and never participated. Being calm even a single day is boring.)
95be89 The arc, to TRULY, show how powerful Terrie, is ALONE, is just scarped, due to this...
90896a You mean the thing you were worried about the other day?
be82ba Its meant to push him away, not hurt him.
05b0c1 (Yyyyyeeaahh....try and shoot Dragonex. There is no way to harm him from the outside.)
7ca111 Key of Uranus
95be89 Really, I`m gonna start abusing "IGNORE", more on all of YOUR arcs, and shit, just because I can`t even do ONE...
05b0c1 (....*Terrie has just opened T's eyes to see how many of his unique Ideas are in other sources.*)
90896a I'm sorry, Corey, it can be hard to pay attention to and acknowledge everyone.
0c0dd5 [Corey]: why am i ignored...GOODBYE TRUCKERS!!!! (soz chris ur not a trucker, nor T, nor anyone else i am just sick of being ignored)
9c45ea ducks
05b0c1 𝙄𝙩'𝙨 𝙃𝙞𝙢𝙢𝙢𝙢𝙢𝙢𝙢𝙢....
be82ba (Sometime in the futre, the Pillar will gain a weapon stronger than T. And the Turrets can use impact shells that focus only on pushing incoming things away)
db649b HEY CORY
05b0c1 (Don't worry. It won't be here for three days. Yeah. Three. Days. Then we are so screwed.)
8789ac takoslime
0c0dd5 [Corey]: its my life, getting ignored, i don't wanna live this way now. i don't wanna have to be left alone. its, my , life
90896a *Chris looks up and looks all over until he finally finds what T is referring to.* Um... yes?
95be89 To do my arc, not only do I have to get royally pissed "Anger: 15%", but I also gotta fucking LOSE, it... "Sanity: 75%"... Which means NO, no I cannot do it at anytime.... And yet Foxlynn`s, sub arc of the invade, that never happened, and now your bullshit. I`m just gonna scrap that arc, as well, since Warrior, ruined my last one...
db649b ffffffffffffffffffffff i WAS HOPING FOR EASY STUFF
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