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7a0a81 *does shield down.* cant touch dis.
cfabfa window_test_alert(370)
cfabfa window_test_alert(369)
95be89 -He raised his hand up and rised, high up into the air-
c8bb2d *pulls out sharp bone* i never said i would
53a360 Super smash bros grab him and hits him with head then mario back throws him *
cfabfa window_test_alert(368)
cfabfa window_test_alert(367)
7a0a81 (l a f f y t a f f y)
cfabfa window_test_alert(366)
cfabfa window_test_alert(365)
965131 ...but it`s opposite day
c8bb2d *uses blue magic to slow terrie*
53a360 looks like your having fun bro,
90896a The eating sprite has made me decide what Chris's favorite food is.
7a0a81 *jumps.* cant toch dis.
95be89 AAAAAAHHHHHHHH -It started to rain apples, and apple slices- YOU`LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!... -He is still running-
53a360 trips xavier * TAKE THAT IDIOT
cfabfa window_test_alert(365)
90896a *Chris throws out individually wrapped taffy.*
cfabfa window_test_alert(364)
7a0a81 *weave.* cant toch dis.
cfabfa window_test_alert(363)
cfabfa window_test_alert(362)
cfabfa window_test_alert(361)
cfabfa window_test_alert(360)
cfabfa window_test_alert(359)
53a360 Punches Idiot-Vier in the face *
c8bb2d *chases*
7a0a81 *weave.* i like how we're having a food fight XD
cfabfa window_test_alert(358)
cfabfa window_test_alert(357)
cfabfa window_test_alert(356)
cfabfa window_test_alert(355)
cfabfa window_test_alert(354)
cfabfa window_test_alert(353)
95be89 -He dodged- NAAAAHHHHH.... -He continued to run off-
cfabfa window_test_alert(353)
cfabfa window_test_alert(352)
cfabfa window_test_alert(351)