Note: You can block spammers and trolls using the 🚫 button in the header bar (top-right of this page). Just copy and paste their user ID. okay
5a6123 tanooki mario
05b0c1 Ultimate mario!
05b0c1 low budget pokemon
05b0c1 T didn't know de wey... (I hate literally all of existence.)
05b0c1 (Why is chat so dead?)
05b0c1 Inkling OC **DONT STEAL** (I mean...if you wanna roleplay with this, I doubt this person is still here. Go nuts.)
05b0c1 Smash Ball (Wow. This looks awesome.)
05b0c1 SS!Asriel (HighOnW33d) (Also HMMM)
05b0c1 (K. Cool. Just figured I'd ask. Also, Hey Mocha. I assume you are alive?)
05b0c1 neoarts010 (Hmmm)
95be89 For a edit, yes but that was basically ONE, time...
be82ba Im here.
0b43b0 boom
d85b90 mango
05b0c1 SiReN ( Did you steal this, Justin?)
d85b90 mango
05b0c1 (. . . Chat's always dead on weekends when Chris is away it seems.)
c8bb2d im on my way justin
05b0c1 (. . . Guess I'll just head out if nobody is here.)
05b0c1 (What the hell?)
7dc7a2 dcsd
7dc7a2 dcsd
7dc7a2 dcsd
c8bb2d *spectating now*
95be89 Really, you took to long to get over, here ya dick... Your lucky you got another day, but eh... I`ma go back to specing...
c8bb2d one sec imma see if im allowed
c8bb2d i know that im just bored
95be89 Dude, just give up it`s gonna, go on forever, no matter what... Really, just stop and get over here...
7dc7a2 dcsd
7dc7a2 dcsd
c8bb2d spam
c8bb2d spam
7dc7a2 dcsd
c8bb2d spam
c8bb2d spam
c8bb2d spam