f455be (The Lockets swapped colors, but the colors are slightly off.)
3d8668 Oh, you are here.
0e6f44 Spinel
c9c00b Oh nice, thanks! And sure, let's have explanations! Though I'm taking a math test in a few moments so I might be a while. But I will see them, I'm determined to.
342c1e Hai
f455be (Chris? You still here?)
3d8668 If he's still here...
3d8668 Oh, hi acid.
f455be (By the way, I cleaned up your sheet since all the items are on another one, it's right here. Edit this.)
3d8668 Who's here?
f455be You want an Explanation for each? -T)
342c1e I don't know why i made a bottle WhY dId I mAkE a BoTtLe???
f455be (You want explanations for each, Chris?)
c9c00b Perfection.
a36136 pyromino
449404 tungt maskingevær
f455be Chris's Inventory, but slightly off... (Done)
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!