90896a It could just be someone trying to be edgy, Steven. I wouldn't worry too much. Besides, I think it's Derp.
965131 *Default* (guard, adds +1 bp)
77b851 Well sans just saying if he gets hurt this is just a simulation we have VR devices
95be89 oof + #FuckYourEffects
77b851 Welp... this is your choice... I give you a turn first
7b7bce hm? turn battle? a battle! id love to!
984c5b Braveon Papyrus
95be89 I-Is no one noticing the glitchy posts?..... R-Really I don't know who's making them and w-who's posting them but they are slightly m-making me worry for some reason.....
965131 Hard Mode.
9b7265 sell
9b7265 sell
77b851 Easy, Normal or Hard?
90896a Derp looks like he's up to something.
7b7bce -comes out of a wall making ink drip from said wall-
965131 yos
9b7265 hospital
77b851 Anyone wanna Turn Battle?
be82ba So you WANT to stay with me? All right then, Taka... (Rare patted Takahiro on the head)
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!