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038bf1 Goopi shaded that for you yes? He did that to a few people round here...
d14112 How are you all?
038bf1 Hey Oliver! (2. Ink looks good dude.
ed3c27 breathmessage5
98b53d and im still working on ink sans btw how dose he look so far?
2cc579 dell_water_sword
d14112 Hewwo
038bf1 Still workin on it. - Gunther.
ed3c27 breathmessage4
ed3c27 breathmessage3
ed3c27 breathmessage2
5a15b6 Marie
038bf1 If I did have it, I'd prefer not to use it anyways...
ed3c27 breathmessage1
038bf1 Nah, I'd only go on Google Hangouts.
cdae64 poppy
98b53d ink sans
fd65d5 pp
e8dd50 you have discord gunther?
5c34ef i dont understand
038bf1 Just tell me us. I'm getting frustrated with you. - Gunther.
5a15b6 King
e8fd97 red tofupod grey outline glasses
98b53d you guys still don't know who this is?
038bf1 Just tell me man. - Gunther.
d199be Polar's Danganronpa pixel sprites
98b53d its not ink gunther its some one else that resolves in the same paint
038bf1 Can you just uh... tell us? - Gunther
038bf1 Please tell me the answer is yes. - Gunther
98b53d nope but it has something to do with ink
038bf1 Do you guys even have a sprite? - Gunther
038bf1 Anything to do with ink? - Gunther
98b53d do you want a hint?
9d3404 Wozdertale Toriel Sprite
5c34ef ok
98b53d well your half right
9d3404 Toriel Sprite
5c34ef looks like ink sans