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355bc1 test
fc6325 who?
293042 Fell!Ink sans
98b53d but at least one guy gave me credit
355bc1 Untitled
b076eb uwu
98b53d yeah this is what i made and they just kept stealing this from me
b076eb uwu
3f75da Listenertale Sans Sprite(fanmade)
fc6325 and theres a lot of arguing
40cfc3 Me Flipping a page
98b53d not you three other guys stole my art
fc6325 well i just made this
98b53d eh nothing much just a bunch of guys stealing my art
d75f67 || Random derpy link sits there awkwardly ||
efd013 sup
fc6325 frisk and unused character no one knows the name of!
98b53d fuck all of you midnight thives
d75f67 Random derpy link has realised how bad he has been drawn
98b53d i can tell you stole from me because of the knife and eyes are the same exact color as yours
98b53d theft
a473e6 P1
9d0028 kazumore
98b53d plus you didint even change the title or description you moron
98b53d but who ever made this fake phase 3 is a hoe
98b53d thanks for giving me credit harry
d75f67 Derpy Link says hello :>
433a11 True!Sans
da1521 Sans' Sprite
fc6325 oh yeah my names harry
98b53d stop stealing my shit
433a11 True!Sans
da1521 Papyrus' Sprite
fc6325 ink sans phase 3 v2
98b53d to who made this my name is hayden i am the one who made ink on pam
9d0028 shinjirou
cef131 sonnic
55af2e aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bum
fc6325 ink sans final phase
da1521 Shadow Sans Sprite
26c0bb Untitled