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fc6325 shadow... your gonna die
60846a Pink Minecraft Sword!
cb4e73 ...idiots here..idiots here...idiots everywhere...oh wait..william afton? duh.
c5f0c3 *walks into pamall* alright, where`s the scroll for firaja...?
7b7bce sure...ill give you the knife -cuts tentacle to get self free- where would you like it? head? im thinking head...
fc6325 see it just got better!
98b53d btw i also made this last night along with the other ink phases
17d6d3 void flower
080cc3 Cathulhu Paw
616e70 *Thinking: he could help*Grabs purple guy sans with a tentacle* IM GONNA NEED THAT KNIFE
fc6325 it will get better over time
7b7bce -hums freddys music box theme-
fc6325 ok i have finally changed my look
7a2bb9 Fusei Yamamoto
17d6d3 pinky minion flying (2)
080cc3 Cathulhu Head
616e70 *Looks up to see an oddly placed moon* did PAM always have a moon
98b53d very nice my friend
c5f0c3 ...Show this...
c5f0c3 i`m just gonna...
fc6325 i also made the ink!sans one better
bd9865 Asteroid
98b53d ok good
17d6d3 pinky minion flying (1)
7a0a81 (*yeets this:*) - X
293042 black
616e70 *Looking around PAM center, he looks like he has been searching for days*
17d6d3 pinky minion (2)
17d6d3 pinky minion
fc6325 yes i did!
98b53d oh thanks i guess btw did you leave credit
7a0a81 *obviously bored.*
3b3741 Ralphzonfire
7b7bce -walks through pam while spinning knife-.
616e70 -- .- -. / .- -- / .. / - .... . / --- -. .-.. -.-- / --- -. . / .-- .... --- / .. ... / . -..- - .-. . -- . .-.. -.-- / -... --- .-. . -..
fc6325 hey haden i made this for you its better than the ink sans one
17d6d3 pinky stick
54cc63 Krunker Crosshair
98b53d btw hey strait wanna see what else i made last night
17d6d3 sicky
7a2bb9 Yume Ayumu