c5f0c3 *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSkYAK8Twic plays* *sees the blasters* PD1: HOLY SHIT PD2: OH, COME THE FUCK ON!! PD3: AN APPLE A DAY KEEPS ME AWAY DUE TO CYANIDE. why did i just say that
687a9a *Then she threw 10 fireballs at each doctor*
7a0a81 . . .
687a9a An apple a day keeps the doctors away. Scram.
7a0a81 *three blasters appear. aiming at the doctors.* . . .
96c78c i want fucking answers ya birds
687a9a *Eats an Apple*
54a176 Some thing
687a9a Dont worry. I got this.
7a0a81 went afk for a moment =/
711e5c https://gamejolt.com/
96c78c -peaks outside- who is lord xyla
83b530 Krunker Crosshair
c5f0c3 The Doctors have Charged Closer towards you!
83b530 Krunker Crosshair
711e5c Sans
96c78c *takes a nap on the building*
687a9a Ok also Orange dot: Sky. Purple dot: Silver. Dark blue dot: Seraphina.
c5f0c3 xavier, i thought you were in the raid
98b53d last act of the killer
c5f0c3 *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSkYAK8Twic plays* PD1: WHO THE HELL INVITED THESE ASSHOLES? PD2: Let`s just get this over with... PD3: FOR LORD XYLA!! (All 3): THIS IS FOR YOU, LORD XYLA!!!!!
96c78c -covers the entrance <from the inside> with a a few blankets-
687a9a (I forgot to remove that one dot)
83b530 Krunker Crosshair
687a9a And this is Nyx
96c78c -spots the doctors and slowly backs away into the the fort-
c5f0c3 xavier, i thought you were in the raid
1f3591 StickLeft
96c78c hi docters *floats to the highest building*
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