95be89 Afflicted Shop Keeper Sans | Fixed the title... The reason why?... It`s meant to be a reference to a AU, that is barely known... In fact I got a link to the Sans, of the AU...
c32e45 Dirt Normal 2D Bolck
90896a Here it is!
95be89 Plague Shop Keeper Sans | AH HA! I found it!...
67c9ce hey,ummm,you know i'm about to fall umm...right?-he hung up-
ad3579 I am working on a goopi looking character
616e70 *He picks up the phone* Hello?
90896a Ooh, give me a sec, I think I still have Virused Chris too.
67c9ce -he calls shadow-(on his phone,which,hasn't fallen off,yeah)
070f6d tourch3
95be89 I`m gonna quickly try to find something... As I also lost my OldVioletFell Asriel, sprite with the extra faces... Like the one with my eye colour set... But I`m gonna try to find something else...
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