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6d74d1 Hiya everybody...
04f305 Cool -Jordan
5b2f3e Im havin a real struggle on dem boots.
04f305 Back -Jordan
5101cd while you were gone, i made this cursed face
5101cd welcome back my dude
04f305 Back -Jordan
1712b5 little level
5101cd Ill take a potato chip... and EAT IT!
2a2d7b Inkling boi: working on Eclipse!Nya
c8af72 Heru Tokoro
5101cd Why so silent?
965131 . . .
5101cd It looks good, Quarter, Quarter!
5b2f3e How bad i be doing? :D -QT
5101cd I feel ashamed of myself for making such a horrible thing
752b4c Thanc! -BD
e25ae6 okay i'll get to work -Goopi
965131 ...
80eb89 game piceses
038bf1 The thing I decide to make when I realize I have nothing else to do with my life and it's gonna come to a complete stop... - Gunther.
04f305 :b
752b4c This one am need spoop. -BD
5101cd Im not a clown, Im the entire circus
965131 ...
95be89 AlterDust "PyroManic" | -Terrie
593297 what's up gamers -Oyja
c8bb2d im bored
5101cd Jevil: So... Uh... how ya doing?
038bf1 Why did it spend forever... to just get this?... - Gunther.
752b4c Dis boi. -BD
038bf1 Are you legit fucking serious?... GOD I FEEL LIKE AN IDIOT RN...
e25ae6 which ones are your guys -Goopi
752b4c Yo I just choose a random color and am like "Yo that`s good enough."
5101cd My method is to get a color that is simalar to the color you want, and change it until its how you want it
04f305 NMeh heh heh!
038bf1 Looks really good Terrie. - Gunther.
80eb89 game piceses