95be89 These two... In fact the DESC shows that BOTH of these sprites are by the same person... Now then... I`ll just be in the corner...
95be89 One being this StorySwap Azzy... The other...
49016e *thinking*
aa68c7 Aly
95be89 I just got on to see somehow in SOME way... Someone mistook T... As me... I get it first letter, but my only Alt name is "Lewis"... That's is... Nothing else... That or my unconnon nickname of "Terr-Bear"... Secondly... I did a different sprite... In fact two made by the same guy who must have originally made that Astell, sprite...
6ca3d2 1987_w_kar98k
aa68c7 Aly pixel
2fcb16 Suit of armor: *Wind and rain blows outside the castle*
5b2f3e -switches to talk sprite- hmm
d6a064 Nooby: Done, any thoughts?
5b2f3e -walks around, making everything frozen and or cold-
5b2f3e TASO! Fubuki-Hime Sprite -cv
d6a064 Nooby: Done, any thoughts?
5b2f3e -walks out of a portal-
2fcb16 Suit of armor: *The suit of armor continues to lay on the throne*
05b0c1 Astell (Undertale Battle Style) -T (Feel free to use with Credit in the desc)
05b0c1 Betty Noire (Undertale Battle Style) -T (Feel free to use with Credit in the Desc)
05b0c1 T, not Terrie. I'll post Betty and Astell then.
807e0a spinswap!boattale dimrona...
49016e Kirby copy
d6a064 Nooby: Done, any thoughts?
c8bb2d lol
ca8ee4 Bete Noire T
ca8ee4 i'll go for now.
49016e terrie,i would like to purchase astell -Rei
ca8ee4 . . .
05b0c1 New Idea: I'm a Sprite Dealer Now. I'll have available ones in my desc. Ask if you are interested.
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