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a228fa *The Pencil flies away*
acbc50 i wanna shove my dick in there
a228fa *He holds Fatal up*
fb7182 *Almost falls over* !!! :Fatal
2d73ea and ray, i finished this for you if you want it. -jase
723628 fakemon
acbc50 what the hell was that
a228fa *He was about to stop Fatal, but he watches the giant pencil* Oh...
df4002 [The animatronic was under a pile of garbage in the back alley]
741690 THIS ISN'T AMONG US! -Ben
fb7182 *Blasters disappear and fatal glitch's out again* :Fatal
1093e5 Phase three
257840 Krunker Crosshair
a228fa *A Giant Pencil appears, and so does a Purple portal, the pencil shoves Ink into the portal, and it closes before anyone else can enter.*
acbc50 yellow that was sus af
947705 Prout transition
741690 Im taking him back to earth! -Ben
741690 JUST LET ME KILL HIM!! -Ben
61341e -{ He dashes to Ink and slices him with a 60.6 cm katana}- * How about...No?
acbc50 why am i in here now
cf5311 Hm. ok. an rp is happeneing.... | _daz_
fb7182 *Gaster Blasters show up* :Fatal
392c9b ... - DST
904ba9 gtg let me know if there trouble she left.
fb7182 *Smiles huge* Then lets finish the job... *Summons gaster blaster's* :Fatal
e6ff68 Chara and Frisk (strikershift) also from undertale
a228fa I don't know! He just hates me....
e6ff68 Chara and Frisk (strikershift) also from undertale
cf5311 cough | _daz_
fb7182 *Looks at error* Why does he do this... *Looks tried and out of breath* :Fatal
904ba9 phew..................
5c1f58 ピクセル
a228fa B-Brother.... Why....? I offered to protect together.... why would you shun me away?
741690 *Catches red With robotic arm outside ship, and stuffs him into laser cell* -Ben
fedf74 i applaud to red for making that funny
904ba9 you better leave now she looks at ink.
acbc50 -Red was not The Imposter-
a228fa *He is out cold*
904ba9 ERROR YOU OK!!! she heals him.
a228fa *He stands* Brother, please, it doesn't have to be this way!
741690 DYHFSHBVDRHBVFJN!!! *Throws red out the airlock into the sun at full strength* FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- -Ben