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Pixel Art Gallery
Newest pixel art from PAM:
fb7182 Then why could you not have made the other's do it? You know that im a protector! Not a killer :Fatal
e089b1 -{ He teleports up to Jane }- * He`s comin. Run.
63e322 yes, but do you have any eye patches, it wont light up. -his head grows back, cause hes a pumpkin-
3a33bd get out of there * says weakly*Speck
2d73ea "Hope Noone Saw That."
2d8240 (repost)*a dropship starts falling into the atmosphere, having come from the large ring superstructure in space, the dropship crashes, burrowing into a streetlight and some parked car, then flips over.* -Pathfinder
723628 fakemon_onix
df4002 What the- (She got up)
2d73ea *Consumes Said Human* "Free Food."
3fcaee hello i am back and noice -Tom
fb7182 *Voice from inside head* YoU HaVe To dO ThE JoB ThAt My BoSs SaId To Do :Fatal
723628 fakemon_onix
723628 fakemon_onix
7456f1 should i put my glitch back on? *is in front of nameless saiyan*
df4002 ((Nevermind then-)) OOF!
63ceb7 [[You can still end up crashing into him... I mean like, look at his size.... ]]
3a33bd *blasts a missle at the guy about to eat jane-Speck
d0ac6b -Grabs Jack-O- "want your body back?"
e089b1 * WHATEVER! -{ He also ran away }-
fb7182 *Tp's to a hill and stands there looking down at everything* Now what do I do black...? :Fatal
df4002 ((How can I bump into someone if I'm flying away at VERY high speeds?))
acbc50 *licks jack-os head*
63ceb7 No... What?...
7456f1 do you want me to put my glitch back on* *goes in front of nameless saiyan and jane*
a228fa (Sorry for the late response but absolutely fucking not. Fuck off)
df4002 PLEASE NO
63ceb7 hello there stranger
63ceb7 -Insert Jane, bumping into someone-
723628 fakemon_onix
df4002 (Jane spawned a gaster blaster and started flying away)
63e322 help me
d0ac6b ok then Terr see ya and if you wanna rp go to the padlet -Warrior
63ceb7 omnosity sans
fb7182 *Tp's to a hill and stands there looking down at everything* :Fatal
723628 fakemon_onix
2d73ea "M I N E E E "
63ceb7 Yeah... Anyway, I`ll just be spectating.....
acbc50 if tom comes back or if he is still here let him know i made him this
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!