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acbc50 who wants me to make them their sprite as among us
b864cc Sure, I'm just drawing my refrance I want to use(Yes, I draw my own references for poses) - Ray
a49514 G|_1+ch Industries Logo
c160c7 Cual es el mounstro come galletas original?
acbc50 ok.
904ba9 oh my god yes im going edite this chey.
74afbb I did. It is in fact not mine. I won't be using it this is specks design I just wanted to see how it would look.
63ceb7 -w-
d436d4 Omega Green basicly is corrupted atm
acbc50 pepo did u uncolor the sprite i made for speck and then change the face and add a hat?
3a33bd *floats away towards the forest again*-Omega
74afbb \I don't come on PAM over the weekends
c5dd9b ok sure
2d73ea Woah Thanks Terrie, you get a gold sticker. -Jase
904ba9 oh my god pepo were you been.
c160c7 Cookie monster
904ba9 hey ray sooo want rp.
74afbb Pepo with his preferred hat
b864cc Sure! I'll get refrances lol - Ray
7a6474 Dakota
acbc50 *votes emerald*
63ceb7 I didn`t even CHANGE the head, just the face, and that was that..... -Terrie
fb7182 (Sure) :Fatal
c5dd9b can you make horry swap blu berry
b864cc uhm.. thanks isn't an awnser - Ray
fb7182 (You mean luminite?) :Fatal
acbc50 hi
63e322 i vote for emerald.
904ba9 tp fatal hey sorry about earlier ago........
2d73ea Or Uh, Fatal, Can You Redo The Head For Me? Its Trash -Jase
4120cb Hummingbird on a stick
3a33bd now I cant help think you just kill?-Omega
acbc50 tyler keep the blueberry sans plays among us thing)
904ba9 heya guys.
fb7182 *Goes over to omega and heals him* :Fatal
acbc50 i got it free on chrome
2d73ea Hey Lume Can You Redo The Head For me? Its Trash
c5dd9b thanks-tyler
4120cb Hummingbird on a stick
74afbb Among us is free on mobile if you have a phone
3a33bd welp help ambulance anybody?-Omega