74afbb *looks at the destruction* Huh, I hope those people had insurance *he chuckles to himself*
3a33bd alright but since you guys already started a game i'll just spectate-Speck
64a939 Ugh.. H-- Hey guys... D--Don't ask about this..
d436d4 It seems I have already won TP's away
904ba9 listen I don't go around telling you how to make your form are call it shit soo just stop!!!
6d88f2 deltarune sans
74afbb *walks out to the ship*
fb7182 *Starts to wonder if this is the end* ... :Fatal
a2471d *A small, brimstone altar appears on a hill, seemingly holding something...*
74afbb Hmm a ship. How interesting
acbc50 *dead from self eject* yes
2499b5 Untitled
3a33bd Can I join now?-Speck
2d73ea Got it done for you ray, -Jase
2499b5 Untitled
d0ac6b Bakugan
904ba9 all zoom call don't be shitty peapole love me for being me on here even if im already dead.
a49514 *pokes Blue to get noticed*
904ba9 don't make me angry heheheh.
d0ac6b anyone wanna do a zoom call? -Warrior
e36e71 (REPOST)*a dropship flies into the atmosphere, clips an apartment complex, then crashlands in a parking lot, plowing through streetlights and parked cars* -Pathfinder
98db09 Tennis ball
b864cc Blue didn't seem to notice someone was near
904ba9 bruh it not my fault im half dead and part demaon.
acbc50 *realizes we still in space* Red Balloon was An Imposter. 1 imposter remains.
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!