Note: You can block spammers and trolls using the 🚫 button in the header bar (top-right of this page). Just copy and paste their user ID. okay
392c9b Sigh... - DST
fb7182 Who is there? :Fatal
392c9b ... - DST
292116 xcbxbwdf
d0df34 px-µs-honoka
392c9b Heheh... - DST
fb7182 *Turns around* ??? :Fatal
68b0a1 Anne v4
fb7182 Prodigy husky buddie
842b2e *watches Fatal*
fb7182 *Walking around* ... :Fatal
63ceb7 W.I.P - Last drip of sweat | Ze sheet...
392c9b *(Undusttale) sans is going to somewhere else* - DST
63ceb7 W.I.P - Last drip of sweat | Phase 3 is on hold... -Terrie
fb7182 Sure. Thats sound fine... :Fatal
842b2e an rp maybe? (btw Alpha corrution sans is gonna be my main/signature sans now)
723628 fakemon
f4aed8 Untitled
723628 fakemon
392c9b Well then ... - DST
f4aed8 Untitled
f4aed8 Untitled
fb7182 *Progress* :Fatal
63ceb7 W.I.P - Last drip of sweat | Phase 2 done... -Terrie
fb7182 I have no clue... :Fatal
842b2e idk...
392c9b So now what? - DST
d0df34 px-µs-umi
842b2e back... HI INKY! *happiness noises*
fb7182 *Progress* :Fatal
3fcaee ( for inky ) purple crewmate -Tom
61341e Terr...I randomly wasnt replying to the jackbox thing.... My electricity cut.
392c9b Duh you still exist of course- DST
d8029b krunker scope
fb7182 Really... I know you exist I just did not look back into pam more... :Fatal
d0df34 px-µs-kotori
65530b Untitled
63ceb7 W.I.P - Last drip of sweat | -Terrie
63ceb7 wow someone that knows i still exist
d8029b krunker scope
fb7182 Im making a Husky from prodigy :Fatal