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5c1f58 Jackson Koechel quilt
63e322 -jack-o's head falls off-
172c48 revert dustswap sans time -electro
a49514 F O O L I S H C A T . *still in RandomLand* Here in RandomLan-- I MEAN OHIO! TPing and portals dont work.
a2471d yes. yes i do.
fb7182 Why? :Fatal
a2471d *The giggling turns into laughter*
172c48 course its not, ye think I'm stupid? -electro
3897d8 (tps the ranbom person to the void)
2a290e danganronpa pixel sprite base
172c48 I be usin my revertdustswap sans sprite now
a2471d this is just some shitty recolor. it`s not gonna hurt somebody behind a screen.
a49514 *turns to Fatal* S H A K E M Y H A N D , F O O L .
77636f Heya, Fatal. -B
63e322 pal, theres a literal fire inside of me, of course im ok...
6a6dc2 y-yes
904ba9 lunch over gtg see ya angle left
fb7182 heheh... :Fatal
172c48 nvm Imma send a slash projectile at u -electro
904ba9 listen my lunch hour about end soo yess are noooooo!!!
7f558e pixel house sammy
d4ec92 wOt O~O
4120cb Light Blue says hi
6a6dc2 ummm...m-maybe
a49514 Are you OK? Your head its uh... on fire.
fd1b43 1to 100
77636f Hello -B
63e322 tis happens almost everyday...
a2471d no. it sucks ass.
904ba9 cheacks the name hi angle soooooooo do you have a crush on me is my theroy corrt!!!
d4ec92 b e i m p r e s s e d -electro
3897d8 (tps to jack-o and sleeps on his head)
a2471d *Familiar giggling can be heard*
904ba9 I am not wanted here right now.........................
6a6dc2 Cheeyyyy!
db1555 Untitled
a49514 *and Jack-Os head feels like its on fire. Because it is.*
3897d8 zzz
fb7182 (Nope) *Tp's behind jack-o* Hey :Fatal
3897d8 why does this look cursed))
904ba9 yes you want hear more facts are no fatal dose anyone want to hear more facts about my charater.