Note: You can block spammers and trolls using the 🚫 button in the header bar (top-right of this page). Just copy and paste their user ID. okay
3a33bd look i'm sorry but i'm just gonna leave PAM I can't ignore any of this i'll remember you forever i'm leaving PAM forever-Speck
cf0876 Dissedbelief Papyrus Phase 2
fb7182 *Progress* Speck you are not leaving pam... PERIOD!! :Fatal
cf0876 Dissedbelief Papyrus Phase 1
a49514 *throws Speck an ignore button* Boom. Thats the solution.
3a33bd Look that was touching but porn and banners are just gonna come in everyday-Speck
63e322 im about to do a pro gamer move
2c07d9 DARK SANS
acbc50 BANbelief papyrus phase BAN
a228fa please leave for real
a49514 Theres a million reasons. But one of them is were all a PAM family.
3a33bd tell me one good reason why I shouldn't leave PAM-Speck
5c1f58 square pixel quilt
fb7182 *Progress* Idk :Fatal
acbc50 BANNEDtale Papyrus
18e5f0 pie monsterp
a49514 Anyone wanna RP?
3a33bd Free to use I'm leaving PAM:( bye everyone it was fun while it lasted i'll miss you guys-Speck
acbc50 THE BANNED PAPYRUS overworld sprite
a228fa Any other "Traves Cosby" or his ex, or whatever, they're all fake, and you can't ban people on this site. So.... See ya. -The Real "Traves"
2c07d9 Im gonna spend the rest of my time on pam making things :Fatal
acbc50 ban blast
63e322 gotta take this off.
3a33bd I thought PAM was fun but porn people always ruin PAM-Speck
bfa23d THE GREAT PAPYRUS overworld sprite
a228fa Ya know what? Frick it. Use my identity. Why do I care? I just watch now.
de6336 Undertale Papyrus
acbc50 Untitled
cf0876 Dissedbelief Papyrus Phase 5
a228fa People are faking me, I'm the original, the rest are using my old stupidity to troll.
3a5ff6 My frisk
acbc50 not you, the fake
2c07d9 TW!Revertswap Sans (Pacifist & Genocide)
a49514 Im 10 too!
3a33bd what!!!how do you know about sex then-Speck
63e322 yummeh.
2c07d9 TW!Revertswap Sans (Pacifist & Genocide)