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b7fdf0 ...
2fcb16 *He shines a sword* hm........
acbc50 *mini lime sits*
aeaddc *summons a black hole around me ink and error protecting us *
49cd9d *the bones go through error and uses the gaster hands to protect inky*
d46952 king Multiverse: sends a million bones at error
b7fdf0 ...
904ba9 ...........
1c0dc7 What can I say except i`m disgusted. What the sweet greek swearing jesus.
3897d8 . . . (gets a chair and sits with odst) . . .
d46952 ...
904ba9 she puts the cat treat in the bowl and then pulls out her bone blaster starts cleaning it.
49cd9d That can't but this could all the gaster hands turn red* die *all blaster suffering ink*
3897d8 . . . calm down m8 . . . (looks to decater) have you noitced yet? im not a cat rn . . .
2fcb16 *He Goes back to the fireplace,And lays back in a chair*
077d5c Dice's Protecc Pet!
2d73ea *intense staring at error as he erases Suffering ink*
aeaddc dont try im the bes support out there
904ba9 don't be scraed im a friendly kind of person.
aeaddc *hits bone being thrown*
10304b True Dark Sonic 3 Sprite
d46952 suffering Ink Sans : you can't kill me that easy
a45685 Pizza deforme
904ba9 pulls out cat treats and sits them down on her lape.
3897d8 (sees mini lime) . . . *mind: its . . . a smol crewmate . . . *
1c0dc7 What can I say except i`m disgusted.
2fcb16 Its kinda hard Not to be scared at a speaking skeleton syl.....
b7fdf0 Emu was ejected emu wasn’t a Traves Cosby
acbc50 *mini lime follows decater*
49cd9d *blasts suffering ink* love you too inky
904ba9 walks in and close door im more of a sans au bude I use to be chey but I change my name she sits by the fire.
aeaddc ill play support for error
3897d8 (turns back to normal) its fine odst . .
d46952 suffering Ink Sans : throws bone at error
75dd1e Pizza Joe
2fcb16 I mean your a talking skeleton but sure.
3897d8 . . . decater . . hi . . .(stays in the fire)
10304b Dark Sonic 3 Sprite
d46952 suffering Ink Sans : error you attacked me
49cd9d Thank Eku
904ba9 heya pale name decater mind if I come in oh hi little cat.