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0c07d1 Among us attempt
afa1ea webcam overlay3
b7fdf0 Praise the killer sans - Fresh!Ink sans
afa1ea webcam overlay2
49cd9d ink you alright?
afa1ea webcam overlay1
d46952 you forgot about me
88241e dark shadow
b7fdf0 Noice you’ve dusted - Fresh!Ink sans
baf04b Disappointed Chara (Fixing ma game) -Flame
acbc50 *mini red has come back after failing to find where the crying came from*
baf04b Disappointed Chara (Fixing ma game) -Flame
0b3e5e copper axe
d46952 turns into puddle
8397d9 Undertale 2 Papyrus sprite
b7fdf0 Noice your even more dead that makes this more entertaining - Fresh!Ink sans
2fcb16 *He hums*
acbc50 ...
3897d8 its amazing terrie !
eeb266 Pat Sans Sprite
b0643a My sonic oc
49cd9d do you miss him? heheh you never cared
95be89 Wow, very boring... Hey, next time thing of something that actually hurt...
b7fdf0 Noice your dead - Fresh!Ink sans
d46952 got hit by arrow
acbc50 *they drink the mini milkshakes not questioning the fact there is a gif*
390dcd Terrie is shitting! Come watch!
ba79e9 i like your cut g
2fcb16 *Odst chills in his chair*
b7fdf0 Noice your invincible - Fresh!Ink sans
3897d8 (puts mini milkshakes behind the minis)
ba79e9 i like your cut g
06ffd6 Come watch Terrie's stream!
49cd9d *arrows star falling* did I see regret? nah your nightmare the MONSTER
d46952 dream is dead
3897d8 thank god you are alive jack-o . . .
acbc50 *they all look at jack-o*
2fcb16 *He shrugs* Makes sense.
63e322 -he starts to wake up.- huh?
d46952 whow