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d46952 fatal error got hit by mini dust blaster
3f686a Level 1
df4002 I would like to join as lime next round please!
d4bc61 Untitled
acbc50 ...
2fcb16 *He Looks at a soul Vial Next to him* hm....
df4002 Why are you being an OP cunt? you're not getting anywhere.
53a360 stop godmodding retard
406f37 mimic and loot chests
acbc50 *a third mini comes and kills black and puts yellow by the body**
2c6ecf Mario Sprite
d46952 looks like error is dead
d46952 ............
acbc50 *mini black and white sit by jack-o*
2c6ecf Mario Sprite
53a360 nooo sttffffuuuu bllluueeee spprrrriittte thieeefff
63e322 -hes fallen asleep on the counter-
53a360 Duuussst ssannns isss errror sannns ussinng annotherrrr sprrrittte
53a360 thattt iss whhattt i meeaaan byyyy goddmoddding
acbc50 *the rest of the minis look out the window*
2fcb16 *The figure Taps something on the panel* hm........
d46952 I am axe dust sans sends one million gaster blaster error and throws axe
66635a (then again, aren't most fight roleplays here?) thiissss rolllepppllayyyy issss reeetttaarrrddddeeeeddddd
53a360 Cannn weee geettt sommmetthinggg thhattt issnn'ttt aaaa rreeeettarrrdddeedd figgghtttt
3897d8 can you plz stfu
cb9032 ... -makrus
acbc50 *mini red lands on the snow*
53a360 thiissss rolllepppllayyyy issss reeetttaarrrddddeeeeddddd
3897d8 wait error theres another imposter its not red thou
3897d8 error you can go outside . . .
49cd9d what did I say *throws mini red out the window*
2fcb16 *he goes to sleep*
3897d8 (goes throught the portal) . . .
d46952 get's hit by dust blaster
2fcb16 *Somewhere.......Deep in a lab......A figure looks at a Panel....*
acbc50 *mini lime and pink are dead*
53a360 a godmodder would summon millions and 1k blasters and he still does that
3897d8 and stay calm cuz we are going back(opens a portal back to the cabin)
49cd9d *the gaster hands turn yellow firing at dust while the blasters take down the circle
afa1ea TAPES
acbc50 *the minis rush to turn the power on*