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28db16 some art i made for a project im working on
28db16 some art i made for a project im working on
cb9032 oh my
eedbea Yusuke Ushioda
fedf74 Yo pathfinder... do you go redraws?
3897d8 gtg
dea065 Character Sprite shotgun and pistol
f5a709 Underluck\Luckytale
3897d8 whats your name girl talking about redsonic i never got your name ? also redsonic should go to hell
b7fdf0 The guy who said the dungeon thing is redhotsonic, he’s the troll and we all want him dead- Fresh!Ink sans
a53442 *Fallout 4 T-60 Power Armor* -Pathfinder
fedf74 hey um... ralsei recolor... is call of duty ok?
dea065 Untitled
3897d8 troll who?
aeaddc if we ever meet of course
dea065 Character Sprite shotgun and pistol
aeaddc i already told redsonic id beat him to a bloody pile of guts blood and bones
fedf74 Got that...
b7fdf0 ... Next time I see that guy I’m going to troll him so bad (if I can)- Fresh!Ink sans
f5a709 Underluck
3897d8 look im not taking your sprite happy i was on your sprite cause i needed to say something
aeaddc that redsonic told me i needed to be thrown into a sex dungeon
a3dd49 arcade
b7fdf0 I have a class to attend so gtg - Fresh!Ink sans
53a360 Fuck Sans, Fuck Sonic, Fuck Redhotpedofurfag ,Fuck Overhyped games , Fuck Sprite Thiefs,
b7fdf0 Yeah - Fresh!Ink sans
3897d8 yes?
aeaddc ...
53a360 Sonic is the reason why redhotcocksucker exist
aeaddc im actually a femboy
53a360 no stfu 1ec7fa fag, no wonder nobody likes you because you steal sprites just to speak to somebody
3897d8 also yes thats what sonic is
b7fdf0 ... Oh hey blue face guy - Fresh!Ink sans
3897d8 you are telling people not like something they like mr bossy and i didnt take her sprite
53a360 good, mario is okay, I hate sonic because of his furfag fandom
b7fdf0 There Mario - Fresh!Ink sans
53a360 maybe use this sprite
aeaddc thank you for answering me
53a360 what about using something that has nothing to do with an skeleton from undertale
b7fdf0 There papyrus - Fresh!Ink sans
53a360 Probably the 1ec7fa fag