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Pixel Art Gallery
Newest pixel art from PAM:
efd698 If I Weren't Retired
53a360 Honk Honk, my entire face is a clown xd
965131 again with what i said last night, blueman lives in virignia
d46952 get's hit by rage blaster 8 million times
53a360 Honk Honk, my entire face is a clown xd
53a360 xd
d46952 filled with pure rage
3c25d9 Iceplanet2
53a360 Now i will clown your sprites - blueman11
53a360 you can't kill ink? what about the infected / mix sans that happened last time when he was killing people
53a360 My sprite - blueman11
d46952 now you done It
efd698 Oh No! He's Doing It Again!
2d73ea "Jesus, if you try and kill me you can't, he was made by king multiverse and Ink is technically a god, so don't try and kill me."
53a360 there i fixed it
53a360 i'll fix my jacket
53a360 im glad that i am not gonna be sent to the anti void
ddc3c0 you cant kill me my hp is negative
53a360 i am dead too
b7fdf0 Bullshit I’m dead *dusts away
d46952 dead as well
53a360 you haven't hit me btw
cb9032 im not dead
53a360 happy noe
d46952 we weren't kidding about killing everyone's sprite
b7fdf0 Fell Fresh!Ink phase 3 geno - Fresh!Ink sans
b7fdf0 now I’ve revived
53a360 is it over?
d46952 dead
7b427b (anyways, i'ma just go... see ya'll tomorrow i guess...
d46952 now i'm dead
7b427b (yup... i'm dead inside... also, when is this sprite stealer gonna get out of terries murder time trio sprite? i mean, he/she has been using it since what... 2 days ago?
d46952 is so dead
46aa48 the phantom Gaster Blaster
b7fdf0 My sister is scared of clowns - Fresh!Ink sans
53a360 stolen sprite
d46952 we where not lidding about killing everyone's sprite
a01d0e swapswapswap papyrus sprite.
ddc3c0 Heya there everyone
53a360 editing someone's sprite doesn't hurt them dumbass 7 year old xd
You can leave feedback about PAM here, but please note that I don't have a lot of time to work on PAM at the moment. There are lots of other tools out there (see here for examples) in case you need a tool with more features. Thank you for your understanding!