de4ceb you didn't hear that! -kicks door down- you know i went insane after the past genocide routes, shaking so i devised a plan to kill everybody before the human does.
25d002 *The Screams are now Extremely loud Gargling*
450a4c Revenge Papyrus: *huff puff* sans i heard screaming
48e155 She glows were the brother could see each other in the dark.
de4ceb -creaks open door- oh. hey, bro. -notices he still has the bone sword but ignores it- so what's happening?
d8d976 You are a bitch *Walks away* -C.C
1c0dc7 Oi jase, Just transcribed that megalo lead of yours, and the one that you wanted the drums from, HAS NO DRUMS IN IT...
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