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69ea78 Untitled
d8d976 Um...hi Inky -C.C
c8bb2d WOW aon duine seachas mise anseo in ann Gaeilge a labhairt
a63c41 damn it take to long find it-fresh?ink
69ea78 Untitled
bcf483 ...what's going on anymore -swap idrial
c8bb2d dhaoibh
b00d6d Save
25d002 *It start to cover some of the forest in black goo*
8d3272 Pokeballs
8d3272 Legendary Pokemon: Galaxion
5989d7 Sans thunder stuff but he's homicidally loony V.2 - K.Vargas
8d3272 Legendary Pokemon: Galaxion
d8d976 ? -C.C/Inklysha
b00d6d So Uh... I Have To Divide It By Quarters -Lebryan J.
88f6b1 why the fuck my id change -fresh?ink
b00d6d Oh. Unfortunately, I Can't Make The Hyrule World Map Because The Canvas Is 250x226 Pixels -Lebryan J.
88f6b1 i'm in the fucking pam looking for my sprite -fresh?ink
8d3272 Pokemon
11a9d7 This Is Stolen Lol
8d3272 Pokemon
79f598 Murder Time Trio
8d3272 Pokeballs
5989d7 fell sans
7b427b ("Gee Everyone Lives In Texas..." i'm not even american...
8d3272 Pokemon
25d002 *It Jumps on a tree and makes the black goo start to spread on the tree,and the ground*
11a9d7 -walks to the forest stepping on the ink trail and grabbing some wood on the ground- -Shop Keeper Sans
d8d976 *It leaves an ink trail* -C.C/Inklysha
d8d976 Well i live in Oklahoma -C.C/Inklysha
d8d976 Its a 7 hour trip ;-; -C.C/Inklysha
b00d6d Gee Everyone Lives In Texas... -Lebryan J.
25d002 *Rips down tree,and eats a deer*
b00d6d Oh -Lebryan J.
d8d976 on Thanksgiving-C.C/Inklysha
d8d976 Its a tradition we do in our (Dads) family when we go over to Texas (My home state) -C.C/Inklysha
b00d6d Where You Going Tomorrow? -Lebryan J.
11a9d7 I-I-I Fin1$hed Bu!LDing TH3 $h0p -Shop Keeper Sans
d8d976 also i can only be here for 10 minutes cause we are cleaning and packing for tomorrow -C.C/Inklysha
cb9032 hello -makrus
d8d976 *Walks in her forest with her Ink snake* -C.C/Inklysha