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e1486e Safety proper
11a9d7 Wait A Min..I Forgot, I Have No Money For Food -Decans
dbf1a1 PASTA1
b13ba2 The "Redacted" / G----- Pieces: PT 6.
b22aec DUST HOPE Asriel (Little fix...) - Mmkx
11a9d7 -both eyes starting to glow a bright Yellow And Blue!- Hmm..-Cracks hand- That Felt Good, Now Time For Breakfast! -Decans
de4ceb (Should I change to my OC for roleplay? Being a Sans is kinda really un-original.)
b00d6d Sorry, Just Sending Replies -Lebryan J.
c08728 ... -C.C
11a9d7 Ugh...Morning Already? Or Night..Its Hard To Tell Time Here.. -Decans
de4ceb -doesn't notice cc and starts snoring- zzzz....
de4ceb anyways, back to a sleep-fest -goes back to sleep-
11a9d7 -Decans is finally back- -Wakes Up- -Decans
22c455 hallowtale loox
de4ceb (But it didn't?)
31bd52 *Wakes up* *Sees the sans* ? *Flies above him* -C.C
31bd52 ((Im in a different place boi)) -C.C
b00d6d I Meant That Her ID Changed Again -Lebryan J.
de4ceb -wakes up and yawns- probably just physics abuse, lebryan.
b13ba2 The "Redacted" / G----- Pieces PT 5.
7c6144 Crusader soul
f038ba Tired sharp bone
52fc98 sorry i'm back -fresh?ink
a45cec Dark Gaster Blaster
f038ba Purple sharp bone
7d64ca Sans Horrortime
f038ba Purple sharp bone
b13ba2 Oops, "8.", Not "6."
f038ba Sharp bone
31bd52 ... -C.C
f038ba Sharp bone
b00d6d Uh... How Are You Doing That? -Lebryan J.
0d03c8 amongshift yellow
b13ba2 The "Redacted" / G----- Pieces: PT 4.
f003b1 alley 1
31bd52 *Sleeps in the air* -C.C
de4ceb -sits behind tree- ...
31bd52 Hi Lebryan -C.C
a45cec WD GASTER
b00d6d Wee... I'm Back -Lebryan J.