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db520e railroad island
31bd52 ... -C.C
c65fbc ogkoo
904ba9 you can tell im a tom boy right now by the things im wearing and way I talk but anyways yeah physco it's decater for now on.
31bd52 Yes i dont like girl shit either...its gross -C.C
904ba9 I try go outside with shorts soo yeah as you can see im a tom boy and don't like winter jackets Decater.
31bd52 I tried to go outside with my sweatpants and a T-shirt but i was stupid -C.C
d9e17a door
904ba9 God dame fucking why physco it's Decater now im not chey anymore...........
e25ae6 I'd agree. It is pretty cold today.... and it's only November... *tries to pull off piece off goo, but rips out a shard instead*
d0ac6b I'm fine Chey just........really tired..........
31bd52 Yup its freezing down here in Texas -C.C
904ba9 Again physco what's wrong you look deepres.
e127d7 maddox w turkey
e127d7 maddox w turkey
706342 Bowser Pixel Art
c65fbc t pose wuddy
1212f8 Some shit stain stole my sprite - K.Vargas
147e0b Falltale! sans
63ceb7 its freezing
f752a1 black549 & Dark super form.
904ba9 ummmm physco what's wrong you look deepres..
904ba9 turns her head to him no kinding I couldn't wear my farvite jacket today that's how cold it is.
d0ac6b ..................
f52639 Disbelief Phase 3 HEAD-2
e25ae6 Whassup PAM.... It's cold outside today, yeah?
c65fbc t pose mario
1df244 op, forgot the other tear. - Chrisツ
904ba9 sigh she tp to grillbys waiting for her friends.
1df244 ill comeback at 3:00, which is the end of my school day, cya for now - Chrisツ
f9db30 Untitled
31bd52 ...ima go jump on the trampoline now see ya -C.C
1df244 as you can tell, i tried so hard NOT to remake the head of papyrus, i'm trying to make my own sprites, but its done now. - Chrisツ
904ba9 were everyone.......
3a601f krunker custom scope
c65fbc mario
c65fbc link
31bd52 ... -C.C
904ba9 plays addict from hazbine hotel in back round.
904ba9 Decater walks in yo.
31bd52 ... -C.C