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72c5bb Sonic Mania Sonic Sprite
1550bf Hyper Sonic
acbc50 save
72c5bb Sonic Mania Sonic Sprite
a5b66d well... I tried to warn you all
415527 We Finna stars (outer finna fell)
415527 We Finna stars (outer finna fell)
e49586 item
990543 The Secret Weapmon -T
7456f1 *coses his eye and his eyes are replaced with a black void and red eyes* *everyone hears "HELLO, DO YOU WANT TO PLAY WITH ME?"*
9eac83 panda mr
5b2f3e Oh yeh, jokes on you i ALREADY have an unmasked version, no pixels
31bd52 ... *Takes it off and the ink stops* Uh...ok -C.C
7456f1 *jumps in a special stage ring to where everyone is*
3a33bd *walks and pace gets faster until he is full on sprinting* -Hank
31bd52 ... ((Lazy af sorry)) -C.C
a5b66d so everyone is aware that if this spreads to my soul we are all in big trouble
5b2f3e and you cant ask who i am, because my ID says it all.
31bd52 *? oh *Puts something on her eye* -C.C
5b2f3e look, i know the no mask thing is a mystery, but Please ask for permission before editting my sprite. and this looks like Akira, who is dead.
3a33bd Ummm excuse me your dropping ink...-Hank
c65fbc knuckles
db520e MBTA HSP46
acbc50 no mask?
904ba9 gtg
904ba9 Ow oh my god im sorry she spash a healing spell on hanks my bad.
31bd52 *Some ink falls on him* -C.C
a5b66d yea so I need help because if I do not get it in the next 5 mins, Bad things will happen
3a33bd *his eye seemed to have start bleeding*......-Hank
31bd52 *Hears Hank* ? *Tps to him* good? -C.C
5c6ea6 black rift for roververse
904ba9 Bumps into the tree guys !!! falls to the ground.
31bd52 . . . -C.C
1550bf those eyes look like sans.... was just to get your attention
3a33bd *falls from the sky and hits the ground*ouch-Hank
d24235 sybol
904ba9 Smash through few building trying get far away from the snake as she could..
1550bf Betty, Chara, and Frisk
31bd52 ... *She phases through the things* -C.C
904ba9 Snakke SNAKE SCREAM!! she smash through wall and runs away super fast.
31bd52 ... *She turns into an Ink Snake* -C.C