Note: You can block spammers and trolls using the 🚫 button in the header bar (top-right of this page). Just copy and paste their user ID. okay
a552ab Camel and cherry art class
818be4 Purple Crew
990543 It is teh spooky month everyone!
9739df [REPOST] *Sees Finx And CoCo* I Wonder If They Are Nicer Than Some People.. *Walks Over To Them* Hello? - Endā Samayō
818be4 Cyan Crew
990543 *Le clicks* -Pump/skid
d8d976 *Walks up to them* Uh...hello -Nothingtale Papyrus/Foxlya
3a33bd A NEWCOMER! we must hurry!-Guy/Cracker
d8d976 ... -Foxlya
3a33bd Cracker if you don.....*sees finx and coco also Enda*cracker a newcomer!-Guy
a82578 (There finished my Oc)-ComicSanz
2d8240 I got my old sprite sheet back! -Pathfinder
818be4 Orange Crew
d8d976 *Keeps shooting* -Evan/Foxlya
990543 *Does spooky dance and goes backwards as he does*
a34ade oh, your new to the PAM mainland? well that's pretty cool.
bdf4c6 suffer
9739df *Sees Finx And CoCo* I Wonder If They Are Nicer Than Some People.. *Walks Over To Them* Hello? - Endā Samayō
3a33bd Im trying to Guy but there is a butterfly!-Guy/Cracker
818be4 Yellow Crew
d0ac6b "i-i'm CoCo i j-just moved here"
3a33bd *walking* Cracker keep up!-Guy
0b705b dfa
a34ade um.. my name is Finx. who are you? ive never seen you before..
8f20d3 Knife
d8d976 You can join Guy you dont need to ask -Foxlya
9739df *Getting Supplies* - Endā Samayō
0b705b Untitled
d9561c Last Breath Phase 16 Sprite Remix
97a23b distrust master mode PHASE 9
990543 *Silly HMMMMMMMM Face* No clue!
3a33bd if yall dont notice me my friend cracker will come so[REPOST] canI join the rp?-Guy
a34ade *Looks back to where they were pointing and jumps a little backwards* eep, uh. henlo.
d8d976 . . . -Foxlya
a34ade Well uh, help Pump and skid.. do you know to that person is? *points at Coco* i've never seen them before...
d0ac6b "i-i'm CoCo... and you are?" -she turned around to look at Finx-
ac28da MYTALE sans: (rping) huh snowdin looks empty
1d49ac okay im done being 7 grand jus
1d49ac nobody undertale fans last breath phas 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
a34ade (Yea, i gave my computer to my school and its been 6 and a half MONTHS since i've seen it. good luck with yours...)