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07ce5e Majin Vegeta
9f15ab Reen
ff4c00 Flitwick Bottom Half
8206a1 Uhh.. Back.-Smiley
5f8d2b Health Bar5
d0ac6b -she was sitting on the ground, alone-
9739df I'll Take That As A Yes. - Endā Samayō
ff4c00 Flitwick Top Half
d8d976 Shit...its him... -Foxlya
3a33bd *liquid returns* welp there goes my tactic..... damn...Guy
34608f planet6
9739df Hey You. *Points To Foxlya* Is This The Guy That Shot You? - Endā Samayō
34608f planet5
5f8d2b Health Bar4
34608f planet4
10304b redhotsonic
5f8d2b Health Bar3
d8d976 ... -Evan/Foxlya
9739df *Teleports Out Of The Way* Well That Is Not Nice. *Throws Him Out Of The Bush* Found 'im. - Endā Samayō
8f20d3 Arrow Bloody Broken
5f8d2b Health Bar2
d8d976 Ow... -Foxlya
a34ade *turns around to face Coco* so uh. why do you look worried? *Turns around for another second to yell "THATS NOT EVEN POSSIBLE" towards Foxlya*
2268dd Omega Rose petal
18f49e wanders)
ec80de welp people are getting chaos these days welp ya'll on your own even if chaos has gone to far- fnastale freddy frostbear
5f8d2b Health Bar1
8f20d3 Arrow Broken
d8d976 OH SHIT!! *Shoots him with an arrow* -Evan/Foxlya
a82578 evan is hit with a flying skull-ComicSanz
3a33bd *puts two fingers on the eminating liquid coming from his eye and flings it towards the surrounding area and closes his eyes*. . .Guy
34608f planet3
c8994f Krunker Crosshair
5f8d2b Health Bar
8f20d3 Arrow Bloody
34608f planet2
a34ade *Heals them with green magic* how are you not dust???
d8d976 I mean...its not supposed to hurt...but it did hurt-Foxlya
8f20d3 Arrow
9739df *Teleports Behind Evan* Hi There. - Endā Samayō
a34ade uh, foxlya.. how is that even possible...