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9e09da wii cursor
9739df Both Of Them In A Way. - Endā Samayō
583245 Like for real, ya`ll can`t fake anyone..... And Chaotic, is with me and we are streaming... And just I HAD, to call you out......
3a33bd (Tps to Edna)You need help or whos the bad guy here?-Dalle
d0ac6b hm? -CoCo
583245 Stop hiding behind your "OC"... Your ID, easily exposes you...
d0ac6b -tackle hugs Cookie- REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE) -Warrior(bday in 15 days)
583245 BULLSHIT COCO.....
d0ac6b yeah, i'm new -CoCo
9739df *Throws Them Both Away* - Endā Samayō
792c84 ouch...*tries to get out from choking* -Adam
583245 back ;w; whats happening
18f49e hru m8
5ba906 Cookie.
9739df [FIX] *Bites The Tongue* - Endā Samayō
583245 hello syl
9739df *Bites The Toungue* - Endā Samayō
18f49e COOKIE
792c84 *grabs Enda's neck* -Adam
7ce906 Fell Sans
18f49e terrie twitch wont work for me ok . . .
6766e5 im a talking orange i grand only 1 wish
7ce906 Fell Sans
583245 ive returned as i can see ive missed a ton
3a33bd You new coco?-Dalle
3a33bd hi Coco you added more to your sprite I see......-Guy
583245 Well if anyone cares..... Here:
114abe Ji
18f49e . . .
9739df *He Is Standing 10 Foot 1 Inch His Arms Are To Far From His Neck And You Can't Grab His Neck* - Endā Samayō
6766e5 angry orange
7ce906 Fell Sans
0fd89b Krunker Crosshair
b23597 emptyness
792c84 *grabs Enda's neck* -Adam
b23597 emptyness
084c06 Groza-4
d0ac6b back -CoCo
b24bfe Untitled
3a33bd (Smacks the gun out of her hand)no more guns!-Dalle
18f49e my bad . . .