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dd43a2 Por34
c8bb2d imposter sans
7ce906 Untitled
ec80de *grabs a crewmate the i pushed in a test cube and stabs the crewmat 1000 times*-wolf god
d8d976 by this point im pretty worried... -Foxlya
18f49e "In this world its Yeet or Be Yeeted"
d8d976 ... -Evan/Foxlya
ec80de *and vents into my house**-wolf god
ec80de *grabs my house key puts it in my lock and open the door and closes it*-wolf god
18f49e alright i probably wont be on . . . cya
25d002 Oi syl I gotta go,Gonna be back around 8:30.)
b2b93b Pretty Bird 1
18f49e . . . r-right
dd43a2 Gor5t
ec80de *drives the skeld back to earth and the skeld crashes into the woods and idc and tps to my house*-wolf god
25d002 Good...And you do what I say because we are such good freinds,Right?
ec80de *throws a bunch of bombs on polus and brings the skeld ship and flys away from polus and polus explode* -wolf god
fd385f Color! Sans
a012a9 Justice Blaster
18f49e . . . heh alright
ec80de *tps to polus and kill crewmates* -wolf god
d16836 scratch pfp
d8d976 Its been a while since Adam left... -Foxlya
8c7261 farmbot and tapebot from scrap mechanic
ec80de (hello guys i am back) -wolf god
a0ea57 the pickles updated battle sprite
d16836 scratch pfp
25d002 Intresting...Well I am Hypno,Your best friend.
a0ea57 the pickles updated battle sprite
a0ea57 the pickles updated battle sprite
18f49e oddly i forgot my planets name based that i"ve been here so long . . .
1df244 *sits in judgment hall*
25d002 Intresting....Where do you come from?
18f49e (mumbling to herself)
18f49e alien thing
ae84b4 Pixelated Sora
25d002 So...Aholu....What are you?
a82578 Ok.. fine *he would pull him back up*-Ethan/Comic
71a2b8 underswap lmao
f8e059 VAW